A Benefit For Your Business, A Benefit For Your Staff
Membership offers your business and your employees a 10% discount on all dental treatment at our state-of-the-art clinic on Charlbert Street. This includes check up and hygiene appointments, as well as cosmetic treatments such as Invisalign Orthodontics, Composite Fillings & Bonding, Teeth Whitening and Implants.
The Business Membership Plan is a great benefit to offer your staff and importantly, does not cost your business anything. It will highlight your business as a considerate employer and help to improve staff retention, while also minimising how much time staff members need to take off to visit the dentist.
Registering Your business costs nothing! All you have to do is fill out a simple form with your company details, specify the employees you want to offer the plan to and then let them know they have the benefit of discounted dental care.
What Benefits Do You Get?
What Do You Have To Do?
You are already signed up for this benefit. All you have to do is contact Aura Dental when you need dental treatment and let them know your name and where you work. Your 10% discount will be applied to any treatment you undertake at Aura Dental.
As an extra bonus, you will be able to get:
Take advantage of this great benefit to look after your dental health with the convenience of a dental practice near to work and the even greater benefit of a discount on any treatment.
If you have any questions, please contact your manager, or contact Aura Dental for more information.
Participating Businesses:
1. Businesses must sign up for the Aura Dental Business Loyalty programme, providing the requested information.
2. Businesses must inform Aura Dental by email if any employees leave the business
3. Businesses must be able to provide evidence of employment if requested by Aura Dental.
4. Businesses must inform Aura Dental by email if they wish to cease offering the Business Loyalty Programme benefit to their employees.
Eligible Business Employees (Patients):
1. Patient must be an active employee of the participating business.
2. Patient must be registered by their employer as an active member of the business membership plan before being eligible for the discount.
3. If a patient terminates employment after the start of treatment, Aura will honour the agreed discount for unfinished treatment only. Thereafter the patient will be on a regular price plan.
4. If a patient terminates their employment with the participating business, he/she will not be eligible for the business membership plan prices. Regular prices will be applied thereafter.
Aura Dental:
1. Aura Dental will deliver treatment to eligible patients in line with the terms set out above.
2. Aura Dental reserves the right to refuse treatment to a patient if eligibility criteria are not met.
3. Aura Dental reserves the right to check the patients’ employment status with the business to confirm eligibility for loyalty programme.
Data Protection
1. The contact information collected will be used for:
a. Registration for the business membership plan
b. Communication with the business about the membership plan & dental services at the practice
c. Communication with signed up employees about the membership plan and dental services at the practice
2. Information collected will be stored securely on the practice management system(s) and access restricted to authorised staff members only.
3. For more information please refer to the practice data protection policy (available upon request).